New Build Plates, Discord Server, Shipping Updates, and More!

New Build Plates, Discord Server, Shipping Updates, and More!

Hey everyone! I’m going to start posting periodic updates on the website so you guys can be up-to-date on what’s happening here. 

I’ve been doing a lot this week, so here’s a break down.

New “Mystery” Plate

A new plate has been listed on the website! You can check out the (sparse) listing here: Mystery Plate. I don’t want to give away too much information about what it will be, but just know that I am really excited about it and I know there’s a lot of people that have been wanting this kind of plate on a Bambu Lab printer for a long time. I just started sending out these plates to my Beta Testers and I expect good results! If this sounds interesting to you, please visit the product page and you’ll be able to sign up for stack alerts. I’m expecting to release the plate around mid-August.

 Discord Server

Thanks to some awesome members of the community, I’ve set up a discord server for discussing DarkMoon plates, customer support, community builds, product ideas, and general printing discussion. I’m very excited about this and I know a lot of people will benefit from this server. 

Please join the server using this link: Join the Discord!

Shipping Updates

A received a whole lot of orders this past week and I have been working on getting them all filled. As of today (7/8) all orders have been packed and will be dropped off in the afternoon. You should have received an email with your tracking number, but if you haven’t you can check using the chat icon on the bottom right of the web page.

ICE Build Plate for A1 Mini Coming

This is probably the single biggest request I’ve received. People really, really want the ICE Plate for the A1 Mini. I hear you, loud and clear. I have begun production on the A1 Mini ICE Plate and I expect them to be in stock early to mid-August. There is now a “Size” selector on the ICE Build Plate product page. You can select the A1 Mini size variant and sign up for stock alerts so you can be first to know about the new plate’s availability!

This has been an awesome few months building this company and brand. I’ve been shocked by all the love and support I’ve received from customers and the community and it makes me so excited for the future. I have BIG plans for DarkMoon 3D and I really appreciate everyone who has gotten on board early. 

Thanks and happy printing!

- Ben

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