The flagship build plate sets sail Friday November 8th at 7AM CST

CFX: Real Carbon Fiber

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A Professional Build Plate for Everyone

Introducing Satin

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G10 Garolite for Bambu Lab Printers

Adhesion Matters

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Build Plates Worth Upgrading For

With FIVE unique build plates specially made for Bambu Lab printers, we've got exactly what you need.

Darkmoon G10 Hobby, ICE, Satin, LUX, G10 Pro

Not sure which to buy?

It's a whole new world of adhesion and surfaces, we get it. That's why we've built the Build Plate Comparison Table, so you can figure out which plate (or plates!) best suits your needs.

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Merry Christmas + New Year Updates

Merry Christmas + New Year Updates

Merry Christmas everyone!  As the year comes to a close, I want to spend some time to reflect on Darkmoon’s first year in business and discuss the future, as well as provide some shipping and fulfi...

New Build Plates, Discord Server, Shipping Updates, and More!

New Build Plates, Discord Server, Shipping Updates, and More!

Hey everyone! I’m going to start posting periodic updates on the website so you guys can be up-to-date on what’s happening here.  I’ve been doing a lot this week, so here’s a break down. New “Myste...